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Your search on baby bath has produced the following results on MummyPages:
18 gorgeous baby names every expectant mum should consider
18 gorgeous baby names every expectant mum should consider it’s all confirmed; everything looks healthy and normal; you’ve made the announcement – and you’re really embracing...
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This Too Shall Pass to settle for the night so i might get a few hours sleep myself. i don't mean to sound like i don't enjoy all this - of course, i do. but i realised that i hardly ever stop to actually...
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Creating positive habits to encourage sleep to sleep through the night – both which can be tricky to achieve! it’s important to note that every child is different, and what may work for one family may not be the best option for...
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Here's EVERYTHING you need to know about nappy rash's first year. the angry, scaly rash often looks a lot worse than it really is. first up, it is extremely common and most babies will get it at some stage before they are two years old. so...
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What you REALLY need: 6 baby gadgets that are non-negotiable
what you really need: 6 baby gadgets that are non-negotiable every mum (especially a first-time mum!) is guilty of an impulse baby purchase that then just never gets used. and certainly, in advance of...
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This household chore could pose serious health risks to your family
this household chore could pose serious health risks to your family busy mums know that the washing machine never stops going. whether it’s baby bibs, school clothes or sports gear, it feels...
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Magical trimesters one and two: how your beautiful baby is growing
magical trimesters one and two: how your beautiful baby is growing if you are starting your research on products for your baby, make sure you stop by johnson’s® to learn more about their...
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Do you share too much about your child online? This will make you think twice
do you share too much about your child online? this will make you think twice is your social media one endless scroll of baby pictures, first steps and snaps of birthday parties? do you post pictures...
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Sleepyheads: Study reveals that today’s toddlers take 90 minutes to go to sleep stage, bedtime becomes something they just don’t seem that keen on participating in. better bathrooms, a leading independent bathroom retailer, recently carried out a survey of 2,000...
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There’s Baby: This magical new app will bring your pregnancy selfie to LIFE
there’s baby: this magical new app will bring your pregnancy selfie to life pregnancy is such a special time for a mum-to-be, full of magical moments - from the very first flutters of your...
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8 things that no one told me about having a c-section (that you should hear) to turn, i decided to get on with the fact that this was happening. my last weeks of pregnancy can only be described as a mission to get as much information as possible for the best recovery...
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10 things to ask the midwives BEFORE you leave hospital with baby
10 things to ask the midwives before you leave hospital with baby you just grew a human! and now you have to bring it home and care for it. it is a very bewildering time; you are joyful but...
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Premature baby reunited with his twin for their first birthday
premature baby reunited with his twin for their first birthday twins ellis and bayley wharton faced a tough road when they were born 15 weeks early. not only were they premature, but they were also...
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Can't get no sleep? How to get a better night's rest during pregnancy, here’s how you can make it easier to drift off. sleeping position have you been tossing and turning all night? it’s harder to get off to sleep once you have a sizeable bump but there...
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Screaming newborn? 6 easy ways to comfort your little one relax and feel content. baby slings and baby baskets are very helpful in making your baby feel at home. 2. music and lullabies try singing a lullaby or playing some gentle music to your little...
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Need to know: the signs, symptoms and remedies of infantile COLIC is "colicky," and you will probably be wondering what that actually means. fear not mums, as we are hear to clarify things for you, and talk you through the signs, symptoms and remedies...
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You have to see these ADORABLE special greeting cards made just for preemies’s unique journey. “milestone cards didn’t really exist when poppy was born but when essie came along i was using a set of milestone cards for full term babies. while they were...
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Jeremy McConnell denies alleged assault on ex Stephanie Davis, after it was confirmed he was the father of her son. he and stephanie had been seen out together several times around liverpool, and it seemed like they were enjoying caring for caben-albi...
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8 gorgeous baby shower gifts every mum-to-be will love
8 gorgeous baby shower gifts every mum-to-be will love for first-time mothers, the list of things they need to get for their little ones can be overwhelming. and when it comes to baby shower gifts...
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Time to celebrate: 7 gorgeous themes for your baby shower
time to celebrate: 7 gorgeous themes for your baby shower mums-to-be love being showered with love and affection at their baby showers, and we've discovered some gorgeous themes to suit every...
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