When you have a new baby on the way, you’ll find that you need a lot of stuff. Fortunately, you won’t have to purchase all of it. By having a baby shower, your friends and family members can help you provide all the items that your new baby needs. Here are 10 gifts that you should include on your baby shower registry.
Baby Blankets
Babies like to be warm. Because of this, you need to make sure that you always have plenty of blankets on hand. You can include a variety of different types of blankets on your baby shower registry. You can include personalized blankets or ones that you can use to swaddle your little one to help them fall asleep.
One of the most expensive things that you need to purchase for your baby will be a crib. This makes for a great gift to put on your baby registry. Don’t worry too much about the price of the crib that you choose. If it’s too expensive for just one of your friends or family members to purchase, several people can pool their money together to purchase the crib you want for your new baby.
Infant Bathtub
New babies can’t take a bath in a regular-sized bathtub. Therefore, an infant bathtub is a must-have for any baby registry. It’s important to choose one that has proper head support as a newborn baby can’t support their head on their own yet. So be sure to add an infant bathtub to your registry that has good reviews!
Crib Mattress
Cribs don’t come with crib mattresses, so you will need to register for one. When you put add one to your baby shower registry, look for a memory foam crib mattress. It will give your baby the support they need for them to get a good night’s sleep. It’s important that you choose a high-quality crib mattress because your baby will be sleeping on it a lot.
There will be times to where you want to take your baby out, but you may not want to hold your little one the entire time. A stroller solves that problem and should be added to your baby shower registry. Because there are so many different types of strollers to choose from, you may want to put several different types of strollers on your baby registry for your gift-givers to choose from.
Car Seat
It’s necessary for your baby to be put in a car seat when they are riding in a car. Unfortunately, car seats can be a little pricey. When you add a car seat to your registry, make sure to choose a car seat that your baby can use from the time they are a newborn all the way to when they are a toddler or you’ll have to buy a new one for every development stage.
Any new parent will tell you that you will go through a lot of bottles, so you really can’t have enough of them. Make sure you put a lot of different types of bottles on your baby shower registry. You may need to try quite a few different ones before you find the type that your baby likes.
Baby Monitor
No matter where you are in your home, you want to be able to hear your baby. By using a baby monitor in your home, you won’t have to worry about your baby crying and you not hearing it.
You may also want to register for a monitor that captures live images of your baby as well. This will give you the extra assurance that you need to know that your baby is safe.
Your baby will go through thousands of diapers during the first few years of their life. You’ll want to choose diapers of different sizes so that you have the appropriate size for each stage of your baby’s growth. By receiving diapers at your baby shower, you will be able to save quite a bit of money on this pricey necessity.
There are all sorts of toiletries that your baby will need to put on your baby shower registry. These include baby shampoo, soap, powder and diaper rash cream. All these essentials will help keep your baby clean and comfortable every day.
Double Check Your Registry for the Essentials
In conclusion, your baby will need a lot of different items for you to care for them properly. No registry is complete without the items mentioned above. By taking your time to include these items, your baby shower guests will be able to purchase some of the essentials that you need for your new little one and allow you to relax a little more before your baby comes.

