You asked

What can I do to ensure my home is safe for my baby?

There are a number of simple things that you can do to ensure that your home is safe for your baby and that it remains that way through 'toddlerhood'. Consider implementing these measures to help your baby remain safe:
  • Cover all of your outlets with outlet covers. They are inexpensive so you can easily do your whole house and the houses of those you will visit often.
  • Check all of your window blinds. The cords should be separate, meaning that there should not be one continuous cord. 
  • Check your baby’s crib to ensure that a soda can doesn't fit through the bars. If it does, then the slats are too far apart and it is not safe. 
  • Purchase a fireplace screen if you have a fireplace that you use. The screen will keep your baby from crawling or running into the hot fireplace.
  • Put nonslip backing on your rugs. Again this is inexpensive to do, so consider placing this backing on the rugs in the homes your baby will visit often. 
  • Move cleaning products and other dangerous supplies to the upper cabinets.
  • Put all medications in a locked medicine cabinet or cupboard.
  • Place your baby’s crib or bassinet away from windows. Make sure there is nothing hanging on the walls within reach of your baby. It won’t take long before they are standing up in the crib grabbing for things.
  • Once your baby becomes mobile, place corner protectors on your furniture. 
  • Check your plants, those in your house and outside, to ensure that there is nothing poisonous. Move dangerous plants to hanging pots where your baby can’t reach.
  • Take a look around your house to ensure that once your baby is mobile, there is nothing that your baby can grab as they try to stand up that they can pull down on themselves. 
  • Secure book shelves to the wall.

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