Accident Zone
Questions & Answers
How can I treat a minor burn?
There are lots of different dressings for minor burns and scalds. There is no particular dressing that works better than others, the important thing is to keep your burn clean and covered with a dressing.
Is it serious if my child gets a black eye?
Bruises and black eyes are quite common in children as accidents can happen! You should check with your G.P. to make certain it is simply a black eye and there is no damage to the eye.
If a child can bend her finger or toe, is it not broken?
Even though your toddler can more their fingers or toes, they may still be broken and there are certain signs to look for
What should I do if my child takes medication that's not for them?
The most important thing you can do is stay calm.
How can I tell if my toddler's cut requires stitches?
As a general rule, a wound that is approximately ¼ deep or ½ inch long and is open will more than likely need stitches to prevent infection, stop bleeding, and heal properly with minimal scarring.