To help mums through their post-natal recovery, here are some tips from registered midwife Maggie Evans:
- Balance your rest and activity – don’t take on too much, honour this time in the early weeks to get to know your baby and adjust to your new lifestyle.
- Continue to eat a wholesome diet providing all the essential nutrients to help speed up the healing process.
- Water therapy is thought to help – ice packs provide short term relief, regular bathing or use of the bidet is also soothing. The survey found that women often added salts to the bath water, but, this is no longer recommended as it is thought that salt or disinfectant products do not bring relief from discomfort
- However, essential oil of Lavender is well known for it’s antibacterial properties, so add 4-6 drops diluted in carrier oil or full cream milk to the bath after the water has been run.
- Homeopathic arnica has traditionally been used by some women to help with emotional shock and trauma such as exhaustion and also to aid recovery. However, you should also check with your doctor or qualified healthcare practitioner before taking anything during pregnancy and post labour.