1. Good storage: You need somewhere to put all of those toys. Starting with a clean, uncluttered space each day is like a fresh palette for creativity.
2. Imaginary play: This could be as simple as a play kitchen or a little more elaborate, but toys and space that foster imaginary play are essential in a good playroom. Imaginary play improves social, problem solving and language skills as well as creativity, educational comprehension and self-control.
3. Books and book storage: Create a little reading nook with books that your child can take out and put away themselves. Add a few floor pillows or a child-sized chair for extra comfort.
4. Open space: A little space to sit and play with blocks, puzzles, and toys will become a child's very own magical wonderland. If you have hardwood floors, consider putting a softer play mat or area rug down in this area.
5. Table and chairs: These staple pieces will encourage a child to create a place for impromptu tea parties and art projects.
Image via Pinterest.