However, there are some benefits to the school holidays that will make you view the break a little differently:
Down time
School is tough for little kids. On top of actually going to class, they have to deal with homework and afterschool activities which can make for a very long day. They need some time off to relax and chill just like the rest of us.
Explore new things
Summer holidays mean a chance for your child to get involved in camps and do an activity that they wouldn't normally do during the year. If your little one wants to try out dancing or a certain sport, camps are great for them to get a feel of it before they sign up for the full term.
Family time
There is never enough family time, whether you work outside the home or not something always needs to be done. However, the time off school means that normal schedules are changed and you have more time to be together as a family whether it’s not rushing home to do homework or the extra hours in the morning.
The school calendar is restrictive in terms of when you can go on holidays but the long summer holiday means you can choose a time suitable for the whole family to head away. Travel whether it’s abroad or just down the country, helps to broaden your child’s mind and allows them learn things they might not necessarily learn in the classroom.
Break from stress
Nowadays, more and more kids are feeling the effects of stress trying to get certain grades in class. The summer holidays offer a welcome break from the pressures which they are sure to have enough of when they become adults.
For older kids, the summer provides a welcome opportunity to experience the working world and earn some money. While many young adults like to pick up a part-time job to pay for days out with their friends, it also allows them gain much needed working experience that they will take with them when they leave school.