While they are regarded as being very handy, particularly for sporty girls, tampons can, in extreme cases, pose a major threat to your health and life.
This is the message of one mum who tragically lost her 13-year-old daughter to toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a bacterial infection linked to tampons.
Jemma-Louise Roberts was a keen swimmer who regularly used tampons for convenience while practicing her sport. Her family grew concerned for her when, while on holidays, she became ill with sickness and diarhhoea.
Once home, Jemma’s mum, Diane, brought her to hospital, where she was initially diagnosed with norovirus. While doctors told the family to keep Jemma away from the hospital, they were forced to break the command when the teen’s condition deteriorated.
Doctors at Royal Albert Edward Infirmary in Wigan informed the Roberts family that Gemma had a suspected case of TSS, which can cause life-threatening bacteria to travel to the bloodstream and release poisonous toxins around the body.
Tragically, Gemma died a week later from a bleed on the brain, with tests confirming the presence of staphylococcus bacteria, linked with TSS.
Believing that her daughter’s death was a result of her tampon use, Diane has warned women everywhere to be vigilant regarding their use.
“TSS used to be talked about in the 1908s but you never hear about it now. If speaking out can save just one person, it will be worth it,” she said.