Symptoms of bulimia include:
- Abusing drugs and alcohol
- Abusing laxatives and other treatments to prevent weight gain
- Anxiety
- Bingeing on large amounts of food
- Eating in secret or having unusual eating habits
- Excessive exercise
- Mood swings
- Overemphasis on physical appearance
- Regularly spending time in the bathroom after eating
- Sadness
- Scarring on knuckles from using fingers to induce vomiting
- Unusual interest in food
- Vomiting
There can also be serious complications as stomach acids as a result of vomiting can result in:
- Damage to tooth enamel
- Inflammation of the oesophagus
- Swelling of the salivary glands in the cheeks
Also, bulimia can also lower potassium levels in the blood which can cause to dangerous, abnormal heart rhythms.