A newspaper from the day they were born
This is a great thing to hold onto – it’s amazing to see how the world kept turning on that momentous day, even though, for you, nothing else mattered. Your little one will be delighted with this when they grow up too.
All the cards from family and friends
It’s always nice to look back over the cards congratulating you on the birth of your baby – you should definitely hold onto these.
Baby name list
We all love imagining what our life would be like had our parents went with their second choice of name. If you scrawled a list of names on a sheet, hold onto it so that you can show it to your son or daughter when they grow up.
Their first pair of shoes
Is there anything cuter than a pair of baby shoes? These will bring back so many memories when you pull them out of a box in years to come.
Their hospital band
As the years go on, you will sit and wonder how your child was ever actually small enough for the tiny band to fit around their wrist. This is a great keepsake.
A lock of hair
When you bring your baby for their first haircut, you could keep a lock of their hair as a keepsake. They will be fascinated by it as they grow older, and it will bring back great memories for you too.
Their first painting
It may look like a mess of paint to some, but to you? It’s a work of art, which will be cherished forever.
If you got imprints of your baby’s feet or hands, hold onto them. They will have a lot of sentimental value as the years go on.