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Sleeping problems around four months old: are these common?

Even children who have been sleeping like little angels since birth can suddenly develop difficulties falling and staying asleep around 4 months old.
While it may not be much of a consolation to tired parents, it is an important indication that your baby’s development is on track. That’s because four months old is a key point in your baby’s development. They’re much more aware of the world around them, and while they may have slept through noise and light before, they’re now responding to external stimuli much more.
Your child could also just want to play, or spend more time with you. Of course, while bonding is great, you may not be up for it in the middle of the night. So here’s what you need to do:
First, you could try one of the various sleep training methods, although many parents prefer to wait until later. Second, you should ensure that your child’s sleeping environment is calm, quiet and dark. Try to avoid over feeding your baby, and when you do go into the room, try to avoid picking your baby up - try some other soothing methods first.

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