However, kids do love these little take-home treats from their friend's party and this simple party bag is a great way for your own little one to get involved in their birthday celebrations. They also double up as party decorations for your main food table.
What you need
- Present tags
- Paper bags with handles
- Ribbon
- Helium balloons
What to do
- Write out the present tags, adding a Thank You and the name of your friends to each one.
- Tie one present tag to the handle of each paper bag.
- Fill your party bags with a few small treats, like mini chocolate bars, sweets or colouring pencils.
- Tie strands of ribbon to the helium balloons.
- Use the balloon's ribbon to secure the handles of the party bags together.
- Lay out them on your main party table to make the room more festive and hand them out at the end of the celebrations.
Image via Pinterest