Unless you're doing it all wrong that is.
Here are a few of the most common painting mistakes you may be making, as well as simple fixes to get the job done right.
Pulling painter's tape up too soon
It's best to rip off painter’s tape right after you apply, otherwise the dried latex may come up with the adhesive, ruining all of your hard work.
Underestimating how much paint you'll need
There’s nothing worse than being caught short for paint halfway through the project. Always buy one extra tin of paint than what you think you'll need before you start. If you don’t use it this time around, it can always be used to freshen up the paint when it starts to fade.
Cleaning your bushes at the end of each day
If you haven't completed your project, you can wrap your brushes in plastic wrap and secure them with a rubber band. The bristles will stay moist and be ready to go the next day.
Dipping your brush too far
There's no reason to dip your paint brush all the way to where the bristles meet metal. Only dip it one-third of the way into the can, otherwise you'll be wasting paint.
Painting a second coat too soon
Of course you want to get the job done in good time, but applying a second coat before the first layer dries will cause havoc to your project - with visible paint strokes and varying shades ruining the overall look. Wait until the first coat is completely dry before you apply a second.
Not priming patches
When plaster isn't primed beforehand, paint will soak into the surface, resulting in a ugly dark blotch. Always prime before you paint.
Not cleaning the walls properly
A wall might appear clean, but you might not notice the many bits of dust, hair and even traces of adhesive until it's too late. Mix one-part mild dish detergent and four-parts warm water. Use a microfibre cloth to wash the walls, paying extra attention to baseboards and corners that can collect dust easily. Finally, dry with a clean cloth.
Image via Pinterest.