Round ligament pain is a pain that can occur during pregnancy and is felt in the lower abdomen or groin. It generally happens during the second trimester and can be a brief, sharp, stabbing pain or a long-lasting dull ache.
Round ligament pain may occur when you suddenly change your position, like when getting out of bed or when you cough or sneeze. You might also feel it if you have had a very physically active day.
The round ligaments surround your uterus and as your pregnancy progresses, these ligaments stretch and thicken to support your uterus. This can cause pain in your abdomen and can occur on one or both sides.
The pain may start inside your groin and can move towards your hips. The pain shouldn’t last longer than a few seconds and will usually occur when you are getting up and changing position. Contact your doctor or midwife if the pain continues even after a short rest. Also contact your caregiver if the pain is accompanied by sever pain or cramps, lower back pain or an increase in pressure around your pelvis, bleeding, spotting, a fever, chills, nausea, faintness, or pain when you urinate. 
If the doctor has confirmed that the pain is round ligament pain then simply try and relax when the pain strikes. Lie on your side with a pillow under your bump or try flexing your knee towards your stomach to relieve the pain. You may also try having a hot bath.

