According to recent research, if you indulge your sweet tooth during pregnancy you may just be doing your unborn child a favour!
Investigating the hypothesis which suggests chocolate may benefit the foetus, researchers in Quebec Canada set about analysing more than 100 pregnant women.
Dividing the mothers-to-be into two distinct groups, scientists gave the first group a type of chocolate which is rich in an antioxidant known as flavanol while the others received samples which contained less antioxidants.
According to the findings, all of the women, who were between 11 and 14 weeks pregnant at the beginning of the study, progressed favourable throughout, with researchers establishing that the flow of blood around the womb, placenta and foetus improved for both groups.
The women, who participated in the study over a 12-week period, consumed 30 grams of chocolate every day and underwent regular ultrasounds in order to measure the speed of their blood circulation.
Commenting on the results of the study which will signal welcome news for all pregnant chocoholics, co-author Dr Emmanuel Bujold asserted: "This indicates chocolate could have a positive impact on placenta and foetal growth and development."
This is certainly news we can get on board with!