Week 19 is already here! Time is starting to go by quickly now. You are feeling pretty good now and your baby is growing at a rapid pace. During the 19th week, you’ll be interested to know that your baby is developing his senses and will soon be able to recognise your voice!
Your Baby this Week
At week 19, your baby is now about the size of a mango, approximately 15cm (6 inches), and weighs close to 240 grammes (8 ½ ounces). Since last week, your baby has grown about a half inch in length!
Your baby’s arms and legs are now proportionate to his body and to each other. His kidneys are producing urine and your baby is emptying his bladder about every 30 minutes. The hair on your baby’s head is coming in now and the skin is forming a waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa. This coating, which is also called vermix, is a white cheesy looking substance that prevents the amniotic fluid from irritating your baby’s delicate skin.
In week 19, your baby’s brain is working overtime developing the areas that control his senses; taste, smell, vision, hearing, and touch. The ability to hear develops fairly early. Your baby has more than likely been hearing body sounds from inside your womb for a few weeks now. As this sense further develops, experts believe that your baby will begin to hear the outside world as well and will even be able to distinguish your voice form the voice of others. In fact, studies have shown that foetal heart rate lowers when the mum is talking. So not only can your baby hear you, but the sound of your voice calms them. So, you may want to start singing songs, reading books, and having long discussion with your baby every day.
Your Body this Week

Week 19 is here and your waistline is expanding. Your abdomen will start growing even faster in following weeks to come. This rapid growth can come with some aches and pains. You may notice that you have some achiness in your lower abdomen, or once in a while there may even be a brief pain that feels almost stabbing. This could happen on one side or the other, or on both sides of the abdomen, and is more likely to happen when you move too quickly. It’s most likely the result of stretching of the ligaments that hold up your uterus. It’s called round ligament pain. Many women experience this pain several times during their pregnancy when there is a rush of growth in the abdominal area. The pain is normal and is not a cause for concern. However, if the pain is intense, you may want to contact your physician.
Skin changes are still occurring in the 19th week of pregnancy. In fact, they will continue throughout your pregnancy. You may notice that the palms of your hands are becoming red. Again, this is normal and nothing to worry about. Like other changes to the skin, it is caused from the added amounts of estrogen in your system. Dark patches may also show up on your cheeks, forehead, or upper lip. If you have not experienced this yet, it is called chloasma, or ‘mask of pregnancy’. The added hormones in your body are causing you to generate more pigment. Again, this is nothing to worry about, but you will want to use a good sun block when you go outside.