One of our mums (from south county Dublin) has very kindly offered to tell us her story of how she didn't find out she was pregnant until 2 days before her beautiful daughter was born.
As you can imagine, I was devastated. I went home to my mother in tears, because although up to that point I had never considered having children, I had always thought that one day I would. By Tuesday morning I was feeling so unwell, my mother made me go into the hospital to get fully checked out. She had packed an overnight bag for me and as we drove to the hospital I remember saying to her there was no point bringing a nightdress, that there was no way I was staying in overnight.
Within a few hours at the hospital, I had been seen by a doctor who ran a few tests and returned to tell me I was in fact pregnant. I was so shocked; I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. I was told that the period I thought I was having, was in fact my waters breaking. I was rushed by ambulance to the maternity hospital that evening, and on the morning of Wednesday 5th January they decided to induce me, and my daughter was born 4 hours later, weighing a healthy 7lbs.
To this day, I thank God every day, and I truly believe she was meant to be here. During the pregnancy I hadn’t taken the normal precautions, I was completely unaware of this little person's eminent arrival. It's not ideal obviously, but as it turned out we were lucky to welcome a very healthy little girl into the world that day. Since then, she has brought my partner and me so much joy and happiness. She is now 3 years old.
Whenever my period is late now, I rush to the chemist to buy a pregnancy test - I have also changed doctors since then, having gone from being unable to conceive naturally to being a new mummy in 48 hours was a bit crazy and not something I'd care to go through again. I didn’t even have nappies, but with great support from my family and friends we muddled through, and have never looked back since.