It’s a special time for the whole family to relax away from everyday stresses, to bond and have lots of fun.
To make sure your next family holiday gets off to the best start possible, have a think about what you need to pack, and how you’re going to pack it.
Make a list of what you’ll need in the run-up to your holiday, and follow these tips on the best way to pack for your big trip with loved ones.
1. Pack copies
Pack a copy of your holiday itinerary in each piece of luggage. Also include flight details, home address and hotel addresses. If your bag gets loss, then the airline or hotel will know where to find you. If you lose a copy of your itinerary, then you have a copy in another bag.
2. Pack light
Take only what you need. In fact, you should probably only take half of what you think you'll need and even that'll probably be too much. For children, pack with complete outfits in mind. So: top + bottoms + undies + socks times however many days you will be away plus an extra one for accidents. This way you are not taking any extra clothing you don't need.
3. Give each child their own bag for special belongings
An appropriately sized backpack or carry-on wheeled bag is easy for kids to manage. They can fill it with toys to occupy their time for a long plane ride.
4. Divide each family member's clothes amongst all your suitcases.
This way, if one bag is lost, then one person doesn't lose everything and has a change of clothing. Also, you may want to take one complete change of clothes in your carry-on; if you are travelling with a baby or small children in case of any accidents or spills.
5. Don’t pack medication into your luggage
It's best to take it with you in your carry-on in case the luggage containing the medication is lost or stolen. Unless you have a doctor's prescription, it will be hard to obtain equivalent medication when you're away from home.
6. Remember sunscreen
Tourist spots will overcharge you for it, so pack your own. Remember to pack it in your checked-in luggage and not carry-on. No one wants an sticky mess in their handbag.
7. Avoid packing everything into a family-size suitcase
Not only is it hard to carry around a heavy bag, you'll probably end up hurting yourself. So instead of packing all your children's clothing in with your own, use two medium-sized wheeled suitcases.
8. Do a luggage mini-test
Wheel or carry your luggage around the house or garden before you take off. It will be a mini test of what it will be like to take your luggage off and on the baggage carousel, to a hotel, around the airport, etc. It may inspire you to rethink what you've packed and you may end up taking stuff out.
9. Don't bring full-sized toiletries
They will only make your bags heavy. If you run out, you can always buy these easily at your destination.
10. Don’t pack at the last minute
You don't want to suddenly forget to pack much needed teddy bears, medication or the portable DVD player for the kids. Write out a list of things you will be packing then tick them off as you put them in the suitcase.
Image via Pinterest.