However, there are plenty of ways you can make your last few weeks a little easier and make the most of being pregnant at the same time.
Seats on public transport
If someone offers you a seat when you are on the bus or train, don’t be overly polite and turn them down, seize the opportunity because it won’t happen that often.
Now is the time to really play the whole 'oh I need plenty of massage' card. Your other half will be more than willing to oblige, if only to stop you asking. Once baby arrives neither of you will have the energy to talk to one another never mind for a back or foot rub, so make the most of them now. Ensure they throw in a few oils to make it even better.
Time off work
Embrace the two weeks before your due date and the start of your maternity leave because the next proper time off you will get will be when your child has left home, and even then it might be a while. Now is the time to just relax, ignore the washing and get ready for the madness.
Offers of help
These probably won’t stop after the baby arrives, but you will probably be too tired to really feel the benefit then. So take it all in now. If someone offers to stock your freezer with food say thanks and show them to the kitchen. Same goes if a friend offers to clean the house or take your other children out of your hair.
Long hot baths
These will become a distant memory when baby arrives so make the most of them now. And if you already have a few kids running around, use the whole ‘well I’m pregnant’ argument to secure some relaxation time in the tub while your other half takes the kids out of your hair.