You asked

How do I make my kitchen safe for a toddler?

The kitchen is a very busy area of the home and it is difficult to simply keep your child away from it.
Make the kitchen a safer area by locking away all dangerous substances, such as pesticides and  detergents. Child locks for cupboards and drawers are effective until a child is almost three, but it is advisable to leave the locks on after that age, to define which areas are out of bounds for your child. You can also switch to slightly less dangerous chemicals for use in the home, such as substituting chlorine-bleach with non-chlorine bleach, and by using compressed air to unblock drains instead of liquid drain cleaner.

Knives, peelers and graters should be stored high up, along with glassware and non-plastic dishes. The coffee maker, toaster and other appliances should always be unplugged when not in use and placed out reach from the edge of the counter. Plates, glasses and utensils should be left on tables or counters unattended. Avoid using table cloths as these can be pulled down by your toddler, along with whatever is on the table.

Use the back cooker plates whenever possible. Always angle pot and pan handles away from the front of the cooker. Install locks for your oven door and refrigerator. Use knob guards for your electric cooker and remove the knobs from your gas cooker when not in use.

Use a cover for your rubbish bin and keep your child away from refuse bags and bins. Always use a cover and lock on the bin, so your toddler cannot access dangerous waste. Dishwashers should be kept closed and the dish washing liquid must be kept out of reach.

Designate one cupboard for use as a distraction for your child. Place lightweight, safe items there for your child to use while you are busy. If your child cannot be controlled in the kitchen, consider using a safety gate and arranging a fun activity for them while you are busy. Remember that your child must be contained in an area that is safe and still in line of sight while you are in the kitchen.

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