A family have spoken of their amazement after discovering that mystery Christmas gifts that arrived to their home were from their 10-year-old daughter who passed away last month.


Little Lily-Mae McKinstry, from Essex, England, passed away last month after a long battle with a brain tumour, but thought to do something very special for her family in time for the festive season.


After taking her dad’s credit card, Lily-Mae spent her final days ordering special gifts for her parents, Andrew and Vicki, and her older brother Ethan.


Speaking of their devastation after the loss of their daughter, mum Vicki said: “When Lily passed away last month both me, Andrew and her big brother Ethan, were all left completely devastated. Our whole world came crashing down, we were making plans and expecting Lily to be around for Christmas.”


However, it seems that Lily-Mae’s gesture has gone some way towards easing her family’s pain at such a difficult time.



“Every few days we are receiving packages in the post, it’s been really emotional when we open them but it’s also so comforting. Lily was so thoughtful and organised, I know how happy this would’ve made her,” Vicki told the MailOnline.


What a heartwarming story. Our thoughts are with Lily-Mae's family at this difficult time. 


