Your little bundle of joy is FINALLY here and you want to get them into a good feeding routine right away.
Every baby is different but in general a newborn feeds at least eight times a day. A baby is considered "newborn" until three months of age.
Newborns have small tummies, so it’s understandable that they need frequent feeds.
Formula-fed newborns may need to eat slightly less often than breast-fed newborns, because it takes a newborn’s tummy longer to digest and break down formula milk, resulting in baby feeling fuller for longer.
Breast milk is the best source of nutrients and easier for your baby to digest, but not all mums are able to breastfeed and some find it quite difficult.
Experts recommend breastfeeding your new baby for at least six months if possible. If you are struggling with breastfeeding, seek support and medical advice if necessary.
If you are unable to breastfeed, concentrate on establishing a good routine with formula feeds, you are not alone.
These are some of the common issues mums have with both breastfeeding and formula feeding and ways to resolve them.
Poor latch
Latching refers to how your baby takes your nipple and areola into their mouth to suckle.
Without proper latching on, your baby will not get the milk she needs and your breasts won't be stimulated to produce more milk. A poor latch can also cause nipple cracking which is very sore.
Before feeding, compress your breast with your free hand, giving it a shape more closely resembling your baby's mouth.
Then bring your baby to your breast, stroke their cheek to allow the rooting reflex to kick in, and turn their mouth toward your breast.
Tickle her lips with your nipple until their mouth is open wide, bring them to your breast (without pushing or squashing the head), allowing them to take your nipple and areola into their mouth.
When you have a proper latch, your baby's lips will be flared out like a fish, and their chin and tip of the nose will touch your breast.
Poor milk supply
Not all women have enough of the milk-producing ducts required for breastfeeding but don't worry, breastfeeding can stimulate the growth of more ducts.
You can try pumping milk and your doctor may able to prescribe you medication to help production, but it's perfectly fine to supplement with formula also.
Hormonal issues, such as PCOS , can also cause low milk production.
Other issues that could be causing a disruption in milk supply are taking contraceptive pills, previous breast surgery and even nipple piercings.
Infrequent feeds can also slow down milk production, so try and stick to short frequent feedings where possible. Your breasts make more milk when they are empty.
Lots of mums with low milk supply alternate between breast and formula feeds.
The baby spits up
Most new mums worry when they see their baby spitting up but it's actually quite common.
If you have an overactive letdown, this is how the baby gets rid of the excess milk.
If your baby seems happy and is gaining weight, it's usually not a cause for concern.
If the baby is losing weight, distressed or forcibly vomiting, seek medical advice.
OW! The baby bites
Sooner or later your tot will test out their gums or teeth and it is SORE.
You can discourage them from doing this by changing their position while feeding, move them closer to you rather than pulling back.
Otherwise, if you see them about to bite, gently slip your finger into the corner of their mouth.
The baby falls asleep feeding
Your little one needs a LOT of sleep and sometimes they'll drift off mid-feed.
If you think they haven't had enough milk, try gently squeezing your breast to express more and tickle them under the chin to wake up and feed.
The baby has gas
If the baby stops feeding after just a few sips of their bottle, it may be gas causing their tummy to feel full.
Burping your tot at intervals during the feed will help bring the air bubbles up.
Formula allergies
Some babies are allergic to cow's milk, which is the main ingredient in formula,
If you notice fussiness, hives, swelling, wheezing or loose stools, this could be an allergy.
You'll need to switch your baby to a different formula.
They don't like the bottle
Sometimes the type of bottle causes formula to flow too fast or too slow.
You can try different kinds of bottles or different feeding positions and see what works.
They NEVER seem to be full
There are lots of causes for this, sometimes the baby needs more sleep or is drinking too fast.
If you suspect they are drinking too fast, space out feeds and take breaks during feeds.
Make sure your tot is getting enough sleep too, sometimes a sleepy baby will drink more than they need.