You asked

Breastfeeding is good for babies, but what's in it for me?

Women who breastfeed are less likely to suffer from ovarian cancer, breast cancer and osteoporosis later on in life. Breastfeeding releases a hormone called Oxytocin. This hormone causes smooth muscles to contract, such as the milk sacs in your breasts, and your uterus.Oxytocin also causes you to have strong, positive feelings for your baby, which helps you bond better in the early days and it also reduces the risk of developing post partum depression.
Due to hormones and the processing of calories for milk, women who breastfeed tend to regain their pre-pregnancy figures quicker. Although some women think that breastfeeding is time consuming, it is time that is exclusively spent with your baby. When you formula-feed, you spend all this time shopping for formula, cleaning and heating bottles, and mixing formula.
Breastfeeding is cheaper than formula feeding, even though you need a slightly higher calorie count for your nutritional intake. Breast milk is readily available, saving you time, and it contains everything your baby needs, so it is convenient for you. Breastfeeding is extremely hygienic and you won't have to worry about your baby getting sick from contaminated formula bottles. 

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