And it frightened me to hear what that mum was bragging about
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I heard a young mother saying she was proud of the fact that her 9-month-old was able to eat a full children’s meal in a well-known fast food restaurant. It really is frightening to think that someone, no matter what their age or background thinks that this is acceptable, let alone something to be proud of.
You would have to have been in hiding the last couple of years to not hear how obesity is fast becoming a major problem. Up until recent years obesity seemed to be a problem other countries had, but now it has crept up on us. In 2011, 61% of adults were overweight or obese so it’s not surprising then that this is passing down to our children with 22% of 5- to 12-year-olds being overweight or obese in that same year. Did you know that there is a dedicated childhood obesity programme in Ireland? I didn’t and it has increased by over 400% in a year for children under the age of 5!
As my Dad would say, “Monkey see, Monkey do” and it makes sense. Our children are so impressionable and are looking to us to guide them and point them in the right direction.
Nowadays it seems to get harder to divert our children down the healthier route. Everywhere we go there are processed foods, sweets, fizzy drinks and crisps on view for our little ones to see. I even go to my local chemist and barbers to be asked would my 3-year-old like a lolly and being the Mean Mammy I am, I say NO!
I find it’s a continuousl battle and I get annoyed at the fact that people look at me as a mean person when I do say no: “Sure it’s only a biscuit,” “It’s only a pack of sweets,” “Here Logan have this while your Mammy and Daddy aren’t looking”
Why can people not respect our wishes as parents when we try to limit the amount of sweet things our children eat? Are these people hiding away from the reality of obesity? Have people become too used to a life of processed foods and cheap deals to know when to say NO themselves?
Eimear Kelly has worked in hospitality and recruitment but considers becoming a stay-at-home mum to her two children, Logan and Elise, to be her best career move. Becoming a mum has inspired her to believe in herself and follow her dreams.