It's always tough for parents to see their little ones in pain and teething can cause a lot of discomfort for babies. 
Here are six ways you can make the process a little easier for your child:
Rubbing Their Gums: Lightly massage your baby's gum with a clean finger to soothe and alleviate some of their discomfort.
Teething Rings: Teething babies love to chew and bite. Many mums find that sterilised teething rings can be very useful for pain and can even help your little one's teeth to cut through.
Chewable Food: If your baby is over six months, give them a sugar-free teething biscuit or unsweetened rusk. Just make sure to keep an eye on them and make sure they can't bite chunks off whatever you give them, as this could cause your baby to choke.
Cold Foods: Cold (not frozen) food such a chilled yoghurts or baby food can help to numb the pain.
Teething Gel: Teething gels applied to the gums with a clean finger can provide fast-acting and targeted relief. Try to make sure you choose products that are sugar and colour-free such as Bonjela.
Infant Medicine: Age-appropriate medicine designed for babies who are older than three months can relieve teething pain.

