Say no and mean it
Saying no shouldn’t just be you delaying the inevitable of saying yes. Saying no should mean no - no matter how much your little one cries or how much they flutter their eye lashes. Believe in your no and your little one will too. A short explanation of your reason for saying no should be enough to settle your little one’s arguments.
Enjoy alone time
Some mums can find it hard to justify spending time without their kids, especially if they work outside the home. However, enjoying time without your kids is essential for your well being. Remember, just because you have a family, doesn’t mean you should forget about yourself altogether. A happy mum makes happy kids.
Encourage your kids to play alone
Getting down and playing with your kids is a great way to bond with them and get to know them that bit more. But you don’t need to do this all the time. It is important you let them enjoy playtime alone so that they can learn how to entertain themselves without whining and throwing a tantrum just because you won’t play with them.
Involve your kids
Make sure you involve your kids in decisions that affect the whole family such as holidays and days out so that they can feel like they are part of a team and not always being told what to do. Obviously these are affected by your child’s age and you should always inform your little one that while you will listen to their suggestions your decision is final.
Family dinners
While some mums often end up cooking more than one dish to make sure everyone is happy, it is important that you feed the family the same thing. Not only will it save you a whole lot of time but it will also ensure your little one builds good eating habits. Try to ignore any protests of ‘I don’t want this’ – if your little one is hungry enough they will eat it. If after at least giving it a try they still don’t like it you can offer them something else.