Here are 10 things to expect in your second trimester:
Bigger tummy
You will start to see your bump in the first week or two of your second trimester. Now is the time to start taking photos as your shape will start to dramatically change from now on.
More energy
If you felt completely fatigued for the first 12 weeks, you will be glad to know that your energy will start to return on the second trimester. Unfortunately, it won’t last so enjoy it while you can.
As your body tries to deal with the extra waste and pressure you are bound to experience constipation and bloating.
Baby brain
As your second trimester progresses, you are bound to experience ‘baby brain’ where you will forget things and go through a bit of a ditzy phase. Don’t stress over it, it happens to nearly every expectant mother.
Bad dreams
It is at the time in your pregnancy that you will start to experience pretty vivid and scary dreams. Don’t be surprised if you wake up in a cold sweat, just talk about what you dreamed about to make it seem less real.
Pregnancy cravings
While the first trimester saw you feeling nauseous, the second will no doubt leave you craving strange concoctions like pickles and ice-cream.
Increased sex drive
As your body starts to produce more oestrogen you will notice that you feel a little more aroused. Just go with it.
Your baby will move
Around the 18th week you will start to feel your baby move. At first they will feel like butterflies in your tummy, but they will start to become more pronounced as the weeks go on.
If you were lucky to escape this for the first few weeks, you should probably brace yourself now. As your baby grows and starts to put pressure on your organs, you are bound to experience acid reflux. Drink some milk or take an antacid to ease the discomfort.
As your baby grows there will be extra pressure on your pelvic floor and a restricted blood flow which will create varicose veins in your rectum.
Pelvic pain
Because things are uncomfortable enough, you may experience pelvic pain as the hormone relaxin is relesed to prepare your pelvis for carrying and birthing your little one.
Just remember, you are nearly there.