Here are 10 popular and family-friendly small breed dogs.
1. Skye Terrier
Not a dog to get if you own cats. Otherwise, the Skye Terrier is extremely dependable, gets along fine with people, and is a great family pet. It is also a great dog for rural-dwellers.
2. Maltese
These playful and affectionate creatures are known for their beautiful silken locks, gentle dispositions and constant cheerfulness. Despite being bred for lounging on the bed, the Maltese is actually quite enthusiastic about learning and highly trainable. The only possible downside to having a Maltese in a family with kids is that this animal needs to be brushed daily, which may be too big a responsibility for younger kids or those with only a passing interest in their pet.
3. Bichon Frise
The small-framed Bichon Frise gets along well with children and other animals. Known for its white puffy coat and curious name, this dog breed is considered an active, easily trained dog. Overall, a wonderful breed for families and individuals alike.
4. Shih Tzu
While it doesn't shed, this dog does require daily grooming. The Shih Tzu also known as the "mini lion," makes for a good family dog, it is very friendly and gets along with all creatures.
5. Pug
The pug is an ancient breed of small dog that hails from China. They're playful, outgoing, trustworthy and loyal, so it's tough to go wrong with a pug as a family pet. These petite pups were bred to be with people, as well as other animals, which makes them an ideal choice for families with children.
6. Yorkshire Terrier
If your family has tons of extra energy to spend playing with a pet, then a Yorkshire terrier may be perfect for you. These tiny dogs are both very active and highly intelligent, not to mention incredibly cute. Affectionately known as "Yorkies," these pooches were bred to herd animals. This instinct makes them very social and friendly. However, it also gives them a tendency to be a bit nippy. The good news is that you'll likely be able to control this behaviour through training that includes techniques based on positive reinforcement.
7. Jack Russell Terrier
Do not choose this breed if you’re looking for a quiet dog that likes to lounge around being pampered all day. The Jack Russell is an active breed that loves to jump up on furniture, run around and lead a generally boisterous, happy existence. However, proper training can help make the dog calmer.
8. Boston Terrier
A great family dog, the Boston Terrier is friendly and bonds well with kids. Another plus is it doesn’t require a lot of grooming. But be warned, it loves to munch on household items, so lots of chew toys are definitely recommended. You should probably keep anything you don't want destroyed out of this dog's way.
9. Pomeranian
The Pomeranian is an adorable, mellow and gentle dog, but it can sometimes get noisy. This breed is great with kids, just as long as it's introduced as a puppy. Despite this, the Pomeranian, which sheds profusely, may not be the best choice for a house with very small children.
10. Beagle
For a glimpse of what it's like to have a beagle in the family, check out the old 'Peanuts' comic strip, in which Charlie Brown's dog Snoopy is the quintessential beagle. One important point to keep in mind before adopting a beagle is that, like Snoopy, these dogs can get into trouble if left alone too long. This makes them a good choice for a family with a lot of kids and an active lifestyle, but not such a good choice for a mellow brood that likes long spans of quiet time.
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